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This thing called “Love”

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By O’star Eze

The following are notes taken while listening to a discourse titled Two Great Lights by Trevor Eghagha, Pastor of Sun Ray Ministries, United Kingdom. He discusses the light and love of God.

Brethren, the night is passing and the day is at hand, because the true light is shinning before our eyes. We fellowship together in the name of the Lord Jesus with oneness of mind while seeking to know Him and to experience the totality of the glory and love which is invested in Him, the only begotten son of the Father. It is not about head knowledge, neither is it a quest to gain some form of glory from man, but rather we seek to know him that is true; knowing Him is realizing Christ our true celestial image from the beginning. This is the glorification that comes from the living God, realizing Him is our celestial prize. Let us be encouraged, stirring up ourselves in the spirit of love as we zealously seek that invaluable eternal prize. If we stumble along the line, we have a high priest who understands our shortcomings and stands eternally as an intercessor before the Father on our behalf and the Father always hears Him as He says, “Father forgive them”. The blood speaks eternally and has been shed once and for all, now is the time of grace. It is the pleasure of the Father to give us the kingdom of His dear son, whereby we can go in through the eternal gates with songs of deliverance and to enjoy the totality of His glory in peace; any voice that says otherwise is of the Devil. Any voice that reveals a god opposed to your progress into His eternal kingdom is simply the voice of the devil disguising Himself as God. Let us not become weary of the innumerable voices of unbelief which litter this Dark Age, but let us hang on to the true voice of the Father as he draws us back to the summit of Zion. Yesterday is gone and today is here, as you hear the voice of the shepherd of the house of Israel, arise and approach Him with boldness and assurance in your hearts.This thing called love As the true light shines, we are being ushered into a new creation whose bedrock is undiluted love. This present world does not know God, neither can it comprehend the infinite love and righteousness of God because it is completely alien to man. God is love, and if we attain to that high place of complete love, purity and innocence This thing called “Love” we operate in His name. The way to God’s presence is love, without love no man can stand before the face of the Father, even though His eternal presence is freely accessible, the defiled conscience of mortal man will not permit him. No mortal man in reality can access the Father; neither can He manifest that love and innocence that is required to enter into God’s presence. Yes, by faith the power of the blood of Jesus purges us of a defiled conscious as we approach His presence and no man can make it without faith in the blood of Christ, but to truly progress and remain in that presence and realize it in its totality, we have to progressively follow the lamb as it leads us to death of the old lying mortal man of the flesh. Him that is true must increase while we in our carnally derived identities must decrease. Only as we are united in our inner consciousness with our true inner self (Christ) can we truly know love in its totality; the price we pay for this is loss of all we ever thought we were or had in this present world. It is only in our ascent from the earth that Christ is revealed us, for He must be lifted up from the earth for His glory to be seen.Forgive your brother infinite times when he transgresses against you [Luke 17:3-5]; Do not be angry with your brother or call him a fool otherwise you risk falling into condemnation [Matthew 5:22]; If I do not have love, I am very much like the dead, I am nothing [1 Corinthians 13:1-2]; If I still hate my brother I am still in the dark [1 John 2:9-11]; How lovely is it when brethren live in unity, it is like the refreshing dew of Hermon dropping upon the mount Zion, the only place where the infinite blessings of God may be found [Psalm 133]; God is love and any one born of God loves [I John 4:7]. These are some defining verses that reveal the end of the faith, which is none other than pure love and an undefiled conscience [1 Timothy 1:5]. If any man will enter in through the gates of the New Jerusalem to behold the glory of the living God and taste of the rivers of delights and pleasures, He must enter in by unfeigned love and innocence; there is just no other way. This will mean leaving all; we must leave aside all things that out of a mortal sense of being we treasure upon the earth and long for a new walk in the heavens (the invisible spiritual realm). Colossians 3:1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. 2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. 3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. We can see that the focus of the gospel is to restore the brotherhood by bringing all men back into that unity and oneness of faith that they have lost through the obscuring of their inner eyes of understanding. That unity of faith on mount Zion is the source of the power of that same invisible activity by which all things in heaven and on earth are created. Remove from your sight all the carnally perceived objects that litter this present world along with the concepts and beliefs attached to them, all that is and remains eternally is the inner spirit man whom the bible calls, “Him that is true”, the one by whom all things are created.The discord, hate and bitterness that litter this world are due the darkness (ignorance) in the minds of men so that they fail to recognize the eternal living one in and through all men. Breaking that union of perfect harmony and oneness with the brethren upon the summit of Zion is the one abominable act before God, it is an attempt to break the body of the Lord and that is why many of us have gone through so much troubles in life. Let us look at what the Writer in proverbs says about this. Proverbs 6:16. These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.The proud look, the lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, sowing discord among brethren etc simply talks about breaking that bond of oneness from the beginning. The liar and the false witness is the consciousness that does not confess the true invisible one spanning every man, this is the same consciousness that sows discord and causes chaos in the midst of the earth today. In ignorance we wore that lying consciousness which denies the true offspring of God and as a result we have lost out of the abundant blessings and glory of God. To attain back to this place of infinite and unlimited spiritual blessings which is the inheritance of the living one upon mount Zion, we must let go of this lying tongue and once more begin to speak truth to each other. How do we speak truth? We speak truth by firstly recognizing the true inner invisible man in ourselves and in all men and walk in relation to Him. Like Paul, we must get the revelation that we are members of each other, one indivisible eternal body that functions together as God. We must arise to the unity of the

faith, there is no other way to life. Meditate on these words of grace by Paul.The way to God’s presence is love, without love no man can stand before the face e of the Father, even though His eternal presence is freely accessible, the defiled conscience of mortal man will not permit him.

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