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Shehu Sani, Saraki, the thugs and idiots in the Senate

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By Churchill Okonkwo

I will start this initial reac­tion to the anarchy that nearly descended on the Senate by addressing Senator Shehu Sani: Senator, turning a blind eye to acts of impu­nity and intimidation of dis­senting voices in the Senate Chamber at the same time claiming to be the voice of the reason does not make you an idiot. But equating allegiance to the corrupt leadership of Bukola Saraki with patriotism certainly makes you a thug. And thugs don’t often notice that they’re thugs, usually because they’re also idiots.

When the gangsters led by Senator Ovie Omo-Agege re­moved the mace, Shehu Sani, our saint, ready to lay down his life for the Master thug, Saraki, insisted that “the Sen­ate must not adjoin.” He then “removed [his] waist belt …to serve as a mace for [them] to continue” sitting. The question is, where was Shehu Sani’s “waist belt” when Sen­ators Ovie Omo-Agege were shut down merely for express­ing himself? This freedom of expression is what Senator, Shehu Sani has touted as his banner as an activist. What has Bukola Saraki done to our saint-Senator Shehu Sani?

No doubt, Senator Ovie Omo-Agege definitely erred in leading the thugs that made away with the mace at the Nigerian Senate. He and his gangsters should face the consequences of what­ever law they may have vi­olated. Having condemned the actions of Senator Ovie Omo-Agege, it is also wor­thy to note that the impuni­ty at the Nigerian National Assembly has been going on unchallenged and is no lon­ger healthy for a functioning democracy. The thugs will keep doing whatever pleas­es them and suppress free­dom of expression and as­sociation without any form of checks, even by breaking of the law as Senator Ovie Omo-Agege just did.

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But, by orchestrating the disappearance of the mace at the Nigerian Senate, Senator Ovie Omo-Agege was sim­ply telling Saraki that “I was raised in Warri and I guess that is one of the special breeding grounds for gang­sters.” The Nigerian Senate is composed of a violent set of senators devoted to Sara­ki and have attracted thugs and fake firebrands like She­hu Sani and Dino Melaye who enjoy drama and confusion. They intimidate members at will and are lucky that unlike the President’s before him, President Buhari has chosen not to use the full scale of the state security apparatus on his opponents at the Senate.

When I saw the statement issued by the Nigerian Senate that Senator Ovie Omo-Agege is attempting to overthrow the Senate, I remembered my good friend Tupac Shak­ur, who once said “Some­body help me, tell me where to go from here cause even Thugs cry, but do the Lord care?” Is Saraki and his co thugs in the Senate shaken? Is there a Nigerian Senator willing to match his thug­gery with thuggery? Should Nigerians care?

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In all these, what I found unacceptable is that the saint as a political thug, Senator Shehu Sani, has, as usual cap­italized on the disarray of the moment to present himself as “our Savior”. I have said this before and I will repeat it here: Senator Shehu Sani is undermining his credibility or what is left of it by join­ing the thugs in the Nigerian Senate led by Bukola Saraki. He is sending a terrible mes­sage to activists itching to join Nigerian politics that it’s okay and that they should not be ashamed to team up with thugs and keep quite in the midst of injustice.

Shehu Sani is acting like a kid among some pretty thugs who see themselves as heroes by shielding the impunity at the Senate. The Nigerian Sen­ate has been taken over by brutal thugs and gangsters whose lust for power and the loot that flows through the National Assembly will make them do anything including committing murder. Unfor­tunately, Senator Shehu Sani is part of that Senate lead­ership run by thugs that is notorious for shutting down freedom of expression.

Finally, that the Nigerian Senate is a gangsters den is no longer in doubt. Bukola Saraki will go down in the his­tory of the Nigerian National Assembly as a man who rath­er than breeding intelligent senators transformed the Senate to a house of thugs and idiots. The Nigerian Sen­ate is now a vacation center for political thugs ready to si­lence any opposition within. You will be made a fodder for the wolves if you dare open your mouth wide without the express approval of the Lord of the Senate, Bukola Saraki.

The Nigerian Senate thrives in confusion. They enjoy the looting with impunity when we ‘kill’ ourselves on social media over their incompe­tence or otherwise. But, the Nigerian people will never be intimidated by agbada wear­ing thugs in the Nigerian Senate starting from the chief, Bukola Saraki through the saint that sinned, Shehu Sani and the War­ri boy that stole the mace Sen­ator Ovie Omo-Agege. We will not be confused by their acts of confusion meant to distract us from the impunity in the Senate.

We need to remind them that we are not idiots during the 2019 elections. If only we can leave the politics of religion and ethnicity that they have used to divide and hoodwink us for years. If only we can unite around can­didates that will usher in a new era in Nigerian politics. If only we can convert our own thuggery in social media to political capital and reject APC and PDP in 2019. If only we can…

Together, we can.

You can email Churchill at [email protected]

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